Meet Datu Shishir Inocalla.
Datu Shishir Inocalla has over 50 years of experience in martial arts, yoga and meditation. He is a direct student of Grandmaster Remy Presas the father of Modern Arnis. Master Shishir spearheaded FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) Unity and lead Sport Arnis worldwide.
The Inocalla family have started Arnis FMA and wellness self sufficient community in his hometown Paracale/Jose Panganiban, Camarines Norte, Philippines.
In Canada, he formed Sports Arnis Canada to be member of PSO Provincial Sports
Organization and NSO National Sports Organization and COC (Canada Olympic
He was Iarnis Vice President and has assisted the membership Sports Arnis of Philippine Olympic Committee (POC), Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) and Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).
He co-founded the international Maharlika Institute of Arnis FMA.
He won several martial arts championships and played Michaelangelo as a martial
artist in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) Movie 3 and TV series.
He was SAG, Actra, UBCP member, a Rotary Club member, inducted Knight of Rizal and Hall of Fame Grandmaster of year 2005.
He authored several books and produced films. He is a Canada Professional Golf
Association (CPGA) Candidate and member of the Senior Pro Golf Association of the Philippines, a Massage therapist, Certified “Acharya” (yoga teacher) a life coach, and a father of 4 children.